Friday Dec 15, 2023
Yom Kippur 5781: ”The Kapparah of Yom Kippur” (2/5) with Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier
Handout: https://drisha.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Handout_AtonementYK_Zuckier_Part2.pdf
Yom Kippur is literally "the Day of Atonement." But how does that atonement come about: Is it dependent on the bringing of Korbanot? Does Yom Kippur still atone today? Need one observe the day of Yom Kippur in order to achieve atonement? What does this process of atonement tell us about the holiest day of the year?
This series examines a variety of sources in classic rabbinic literature, examining the issue from a variety of perspectives.
This shiur will treat the question, discussed in Yoma 85b-86a, of whether Yom Kippur atones by itself or only when accompanied by repentance. This essential question, interpreted in a variety of ways by the Rishonim, has major ramifications for how to understand the Day of Yom Kippur overall.