Friday Dec 15, 2023
Rosh HaShanah 5781: ”How to Blow the Shofar, A ”Toot”orial” (1/2) with Rabbi Moshe Silver
Blowing the Shofar is simple – but not easy. Rabbi Silver will go over the basic concepts of proper lip position, posture, and breath control. Unless you are a trumpet player, the technique may seem unnatural at first. The real secret to mastering the Shofar is – that there’s no secret. It takes hours of dedicated practice. Rabbi Silver shares his own story of his road from utter failure to relative triumph the first year he blew Shofar at what was to later become the Drisha Minyan. In addition to teaching the basics of technique, Rabbi Silver offers enthusiastic encouragement for everyone hoping to participate in this important Mitzvah. “If I can do this,” says Rabbi Silver, “you can do it too. I guarantee it!”
In this session Rabbi Silver shares his personal story of trying to blow the Shofar, and of ultimately B”H “getting it.” The biggest challenge most first-time Shofar blowers must overcome is their own sense of awkwardness. Rabbi Silver will lead a mass “Shofar-Out,” encouraging everyone to experience for themselves the feel of their own Shofar. Then we will work on basics of technique: embouchure (lip position), stance, and breathing.