Friday Dec 15, 2023
High Holidays 5781: ”Ritual Re-enactments: Becoming Moshe, a Mother, and a High Priest in the Yamim Noraim Tefillah” (1/2) with Rabbanit Leah Sarna
This series will focus on core pieces of the Selichot, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur liturgies. Specifically, we will explore the roles that our liturgy asks us to step into on these days and at these key moments.
This class aims to enrich participants' experiences of these special tefillot, particularly in a year where many will be praying at home or in truncated synagogue services.
Session 1, we will explore the Thirteen Middot, the liturgical backbone of Selichot. As we look at the Torah texts that the Selichot draw upon and interpretations of those texts in the Talmud Bavli and commentators, we will dive head-first into the moment the Thirteen Middot were revealed and discuss how to reenact that moment as we step into the role of Moshe in our recitation of Selichot.